Ministry Opportunities
At Lake Pointe Bible Church, we believe strongly that every Christian possesses one or more gifts (talents, abilities) to be used in some ministry of the church. This list describes various ministry opportunities around the church, and a person to contact if you’d like to volunteer.
Audio/Visual Team
This team runs the sound system and video projection system during the Sunday morning worship service.
Leader: Scott Miller – (734) 927-4148
Monday evening program for children 3 years to 6th grade. Game time, Bible lesson, and Bible memorization.
Leader: Jamie Yonker – (248) 410-0768
Children’s Church and Sunday School
A program of worship and Bible lessons for children on Sunday mornings.
Leaders: Josh Ringbloom – (586) 845-0171 & Mallory Ringbloom – (734) 693-5597
Building & Grounds Maintenance Team
These volunteers care for the church building and property.
Leaders: Bill Mayes – (313) 408-5026 and Betty Mayes – (313) 408-5027
Young Adults Team
This group reaches out to and disciples post-high school young people.
Leader: Chris Samuel (313) 585-8314 & Gloria Mayer (734) 351-9010
Finance Team
This team oversees the budget and financial matters of the church.
Leader: Andy Dale – (734) 812-9440
Men’s Ministry Team
Tuesdays 8:00-9:30 a.m. men gather in the conference room for coffee, fellowship, and encouragement.
Leader: Steve Broda
Mercy Fund Team
This group administers the Mercy Fund, which exists to help Lake Pointers with financial needs.
Leader: TBD
Missions Team
Directs the support of and communication with missionaries, as well as short term ministry opportunities by our church people.
Leader: Ellen Head – (734) 453-9205.
The Mom Community program reaches out to mothers of children from birth through kindergarten and meets the second and fourth Friday mornings of each month during the school year.
Leader: Kayla Gielarowski
Music & Worship Team
For those with gifts of singing, poetry, dance, playing an instrument, or other talents that might be used in the Sunday morning worship service.
Leader: TBD
Volunteers who staff the church nursery and care for the babies during various church services and programs.
Leader: Jamie Fike – (248) 473-5746.
Serving Teams
There are five serving teams of 10 to 12 people each. They work at fellowship meals and provide refreshments for other church activities.
Leader: Elaine Machovec 734-718-3277.
Small Groups
The small group “team” is comprised of the leaders of our church small groups.
Leader: Chad Walters – (734) 765-3121.
Sunshine Committee
These folks visit the elderly, provide funeral lunches, send flowers to those in the hospital, and provide meals to the sick.
Leader: Janet Dale – (734) 459-5719.
On Sunday mornings, the ushers greet people, distribute the church bulletins, and handle issues that come up.
Leader: Dan Vess – (734) 776-4082
Women’s Ministry Team
Plans women’s activities, including the Tuesday morning ladies Bible study.
Leader: Cathy Wind – (734) 455-2848.
Youth Ministry Team
Provides Bible studies and youth activities for those in 6th through 12th grade.
Leader: Joshua Haynes – (734) 855-9490.