Visiting? What to Expect at Lake Pointe Bible Church!
Our parking lot is in the back of the building, so the main entrance is there, too. Most people dress in what might be called “business casual.” A few wear suits, and a few wear jeans. There is a clean, well-staffed nursery for babies up to 2, and separate children’s church services for children through 5th grade. Sixth graders and older are in the main service.
As you enter the auditorium you’ll hear upbeat praise music. Feel free to just sit and listen or to meet and greet with others. The service lasts an hour and will include singing and a sermon, and sometimes things like a solo, video clip, testimony, short drama, etc. Our music is a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary choruses, led by a small band/praise team.
The sermon is in-depth Bible teaching using the NIV translation of the Bible. We encourage people to bring their own Bibles, but some are also supplied in the pew racks. We do not ask visitors to stand up or introduce themselves or receive a gift, etc.

After the service there are refreshments downstairs in the Fellowship Hall and an opportunity to greet and meet others. Then we offer Sunday School classes for all ages from 11:15 to noon.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to give us a call.